I had some explaining to do....

We have been really busy working on the greenhouse project and I haven't taken much time lately to work with my horses beyond some spring time grooming sessions to help them with shedding out their winter coats.  The other day, I took the time to ride, CJ, and let her know what had been keeping me so busy.   This past week we also hauled the horses up for a beautiful ride in the mountains.  It was just the refresher I needed.

The horses have been enjoying that the green grass is starting to come to life.  We are scaling back their pasture time a bit as those rich grasses begin to grow so we can avoid any foundering issues.  We work the horses up gradually over time to the green grass.

Our son, Holden, was able to get 2 years worth of composted horse manure spread out on our hay field for fertilizer.  Always great to get that eye-sore pile of manure spread out and put to good use to help the hay field and pasture grow better. 

I have been enjoying these beautiful sunny days and I managed to get all the raspberries pruned. I rely heavily on raspberry greens for bouquet greenery fillers so it was good to get those all pruned and ready for the season. I also cleared out all last year's asparagus growth and found a few shoots coming up already! So I need to be checking that daily for some delicious meals of asparagus from our garden which is one of my favorite veggies. 

I hope everyone is enjoying these beautiful spring days as much as we are.  I am looking forward to the upcoming rain to help settle in that field fertilizer and give the plants a much needed drink as things are fairly dry right now.

The indoor seedlings are coming along nicely, and we will have a better idea of when we will have our spring seedlings sale dates in the next couple weeks I hope.  

Wish me luck in not getting too overwhelmed with the spring projects, preparing the taxes, and our son is getting married in a few months so we are mid-wedding planning too. It feels a little like everything needs to be done ASAP, but in reality I really can and should pace myself.  I just tend to get ahead of myself and think it all needs done yesterday.

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